Monday, May 13, 2013

Chloe~Winter 2013

I’m so happy to be writing the winter recap.  We are beyond excited for warmer weather and spring!
Chloe, like every time we sit down to write one of these journals has changed and grown so much.  She is such a little human and it still amazes us how much she is becoming a little girl.  C actually told me flat out, “I am NOT a baby!”  When I was holding her and said, “You are my baby.”  I was a little said to hear her say that but I guess it is good that she is not the baby because we have another one coming in  a matter of weeks! 
The best quotes of Chloe Ann:
“Sorry boss!”-Paul and I asked her to come upstairs and get ready for bed and this is what she responded with.
“Oh man”- When she makes a mistake.
“Yincoln”- The way she says Lincoln.
“No, myyyyyy mommy!!”- Here reaction when Paul gives me a hug or a kiss.  She will do the opposite if I’m giving Paul a hug or a kiss too.
“I go hear the baby boys heart…go beep, beep”- When we are one our way to my prenatal visits.
“Is the baby sleeping?” “The baby likes this.”- Frequently asks and tells me this as she is patting my belly gently and not so gently.
“A baby boy-my Baby Yincoln”- Her response when she is asked what mommy is having.
“That’s fine.” “Mommy, it’s ok.”- When I make a mistake.
“I want to go to the ice cream Shoppe!”- When we pass by Malley’s.
“I want to sit down and eat in a restaurant.”  “But Mommy you said we could.”- She has a memory of an elephant.  She doesn’t forget a thing.
“I want to eat dinart.”= “I want to eat dinner.”
“Snew mick”= “excuse me”
“Daddy’s going to be so happy!”- When she is doing something special, the first time she said it was when she was about to get her haircut.”
“There is a baby boy in my belly.”  “The baby needs a snack.”- Often heard around the house…often before bed…
“Uncle Jona, Uncle Jona”- She will get nakey before her bath, go straight to the mirror and sing and dance this little tune…
“Allllllriiiiiighttttt…”- “I no huff and puffing!” (I’m not huffing and puffing!)- When she is frustrated and doesn’t want to come or follow my directions.  Yes, said in a very teenage-ery voice.
“Oh, -fake giggle- sorry Daddy.”- If she makes a mistake or gets confused by something.
“It’s too loud, I said”- When she can’t hear it and wants us to turn up the volume.
“I can’t like it.”=”I don’t like it.”
“Chair, there, hair”- Said in a southern accent.
“Butter”= any sort of dip
“Humungous”- Her new favorite word to use in sentences.  The best use, “Mommy you are humongous, I am tiny.”  Charming…
She is basically repeating and remembering everything.  It is so funny to hear sound so old and use phrases she clearly hears around the house.  Chloe still loves to cuddle and will often come into bed with us in the early hours of the morning.  She loves when we make hand puppets of dinosaurs and pretend to chomp at her.  She LOVES the iPad, DUMBO!, puzzles, playing house-she is always the mommy, playing with her princess castle, playing doctor, dress-up and swimming. 
Chloe is quite the pistol and can be very bossy.  Her sitter refers to her as the cruise director/party planner of the group.  She is not afraid to tell you what to do and how to do it, adults included.  She has a very active imagination and it is cute to see her acting and playing more like an older kid.  At the sitter she also has a boyfriend, Ryan.  Supposedly they crack each other up and what one does the other follows.  On Valentine’s Day, of all days, Mary caught Chloe take Ryan’s face with both her hands and laid a big kiss on his lips!  We had to chat with her about how you can give hugs but not give kisses like that to friends…oh brother!
Chloe is funny about my hair and will often times tell me to put it up in a ponytail.  Most days when you ask what Chloe would like to wear she says, “A pretty dress.”  If I am wearing a dress to work, she most definitely needs to be wearing a dress.  She often will tell me, “I like your dress, Mommy.  It’s very pretty.”  She also still lvoes to have her nails painted.  She is definitely a girly girl right now. 
Chloe is pretty good at recognizing her numbers, shapes and letters and is constantly pointing them out when she sees environmental print.  It is exciting to see her mind working that way.  Chloe also read her first word recently.  I have a mug that I eat cereal out of frequently and one morning she pointed to the letters on the mug, c-o-f-f-e-e.  I told it her is said coffee.  From that point one when she saw the word she recognized it as coffee.  The other day, I asked her (without the mug) what does c-o-f-f-e-e spell, and she looked up and said, “coffee!”  She still loves books to be read to her and she has started “reading” books by looking at the pictures and repeating what she remembers and what she sees in the pictures.  This makes her reading teacher mommy proud.
Chloe is typically going to bed around 8:30 and trying to stall for as long as possible.  She often needs to use the potty, needs a drink, needs to wash her hands, needs one more kiss..” She is waking up once a night to use the bathroom but most times goes right back to bed, as long as Daddy isn’t the one to get up.  He is the softy.  She is still waking up between 6:30-7:30 and is taking a 1 ½-2 hours nap daily.  She has yet to get her two-year molars and seems to be getting longer.  She is still wearing 24 month/2T clothes and size 5 shoes.  Her favorite shoes, are her “cherries boots”.  They are her rain boots, should be interesting to see if she still insists on wearing them in the summer. 
We think Chloe is going to be a great big sister.  She is absolutely smitten with babies and it is so cute to watch her interact with them as if she is an adult.  You will often see and hear her rocking the baby saying things like, “It’s okay baby, I’m here.”  We are excited to see if she has the same reaction to a baby brother who doesn’t ever leave.  
Next time we do a recap, baby Lincoln should be real close to arriving and we can’t wait!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this post! So neat to learn all the special things Chloe says & does. She is so lucky to have you and Paul as you two are lucky to have her! What a great foursome your family will be once Lincoln arrives! Love you all!
    Uncle Joe & Aunt Maureen
