Monday, May 13, 2013

pregnancy #2

As everyone says, you don’t do as much preparation and documenting with your second child.  It is definitely not because we think of the process any less exciting, just seems things are busier these days with an almost THREE year old hanging around.  But here is my take on the second pregnancy so far with only 6 weeks to go!
We can honestly say we were just as excited this time around when we found out we were pregnant.  Although not really trying all that long, it was so thrilling and joyful when we finally found out.  This pregnancy has gone by faster when I look at it as a whole but the days have been longer.  I definitely started showing sooner and I feel like I am to the point where I can’t possibly get any bigger, which unfortunately I know just isn’t the case.  I feel like I am carrying different this time around, all in the front! 
In the beginning I was nauseous on and off but never really got “sick”.  I have not really had any cravings and I don’t feel like my diet is much different than it was before I got pregnant but I’m still obviously gaining an appropriate amount of weight. 
He is definitely like his sister and is a mover and a shaker.  He is very active and it is so wild to feel a kick on one side and thump on the opposite side of my belly.  He must really like stretching out.  He also gets the hiccups very, very often like his older sister. 
This time around, people have been more vocal about how I’m carrying…On a daily basis I hear things like, “Wow, you ARE pregnant”, “You look ready!” (I still had 10 weeks to go!), “You are definitely large.”, “When is that baby coming out?”, “Are you sure they have your due date right?”, “How much weight have you gained?”, “Your baby is going to be big!”, and my favorite, “Are you sure you aren’t having twins?”  It’s been lovely.  But in all reality, I know my body is just doing what it needs to do to grow a hopefully healthy and full-term baby! 
We have had his first name picked out since before we knew we were pregnant but only really refer to him as that at home.  It is oddly thrilling when Paul will use his name in conversation.  It’s just a sweet little reminder of who will be here very soon.  Only in the past month have we decided on the middle name.  We have decided to wait to tell, just for fun and keep something a surprise. 
This past weekend we just about finished the nursery.  Just need to put a few photos in frames and organize his clothing and supplies.  We planned and worked really hard on his nursery and it is something that has kept me going throughout the pregnancy.  I planned each detail just as I did with Chloe’s nursery and we are happy with how it all turned out.  You can often find me brushing my teeth while rocking in the rocking chair in his nursery just looking around.  I get so excited that we will have a baby who will be sleeping in that room very soon.
Chloe is definitely aware that a baby is growing in my tummy but I do not think she will fully understand until her baby brother is at home.  We look forward to seeing her become a loving and nurturing big sister.  She will definitely be a little mother hen and I think she will enjoy helping us take care of him.   We do also think she will be a bit jealous.  She has been the one and only for three years, so I can understand why all of the sudden a new little baby that is taking the attention and focus off her would be hard.  A part of us feels sad that she will no longer be our only focus but know it will be great for her to have another little family member to love on.  

Some important dates:
October 22nd: + pregnancy test
October 31st: Told Gramma and Bapa while staying at their house because our power was out for many days. We even have a funny video of the reveal…pretty hilarious.
November 5th: first ultrasound
November 10th: Told the Vincent family and the rest of the Sikora family. 
November 20th: second ultrasound-saw heartbeat and got a due date!-July 2nd
December 18th: third ultrasound
December 29th: felt first REAL baby kick
January 17th: Paul felt baby kick for the first time
January 21st: saw first kick
February 5th: fourth ultrasound- found out it was a BOY!
May 7th: Chloe finally sat still long enough to feel baby move.  He had the hiccups.
June 28th:  Baby’s Birthday-unless he decides to come sooner

Food and drinks that will remind me of this pregnancy:
Nightly sleepy time tea
La Croix- sparkling water
Avocado, tomato and mozzarella sandwiches
Bagel thins and strawberry cream cheese
Kettle corn
Red Apples
Hot Chocolate- addicted in the beginning
Ice water- I could munch on ice chips all day and night

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to meet him! Hugs & kisses!
    Uncle Joe & Aunt Maureen
