Monday, November 28, 2011

Oh, Christmas Tree. Oh, Christmas Tree.

Yesterday, we took a drive to Kriegers, a local grocery store and garden shop in Cuyahoga Falls.  It is just down the road from our old apartment.  We have made it a tradition to get our tree from there for the past three years.
C last year.

This year Chloe was a big help!  She loved running around the tree lot getting wet and muddy.  We picked another cute tree that fits perfect in our cozy living room.  

We set up our tree last night and decorated it today.  Chloe LOVES the round ornaments and literally squealed with excitement when we brought them out last night.  We will definitely be reminding her not to take the "balls" off the tree and throwing them.  


  1. Great idea...we've had four casualties since putting our tree up Saturday. I can't believe how much she has grown since last Christmas.
