Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Thirteen Months.

Today our little C is thirteen months old! Maybe it is because I am home with her or just because she is changing and learning so much, but it seems like everyday she surprises us and learns a new trick.  I have been writing down all the funny and adorable things she has been doing because we don’t want to forget a thing. 
Words she is saying or attempting to say: bye, bye, Bapa, Dada, Mama, hi, all done, puppy, baby, more, yes, ouch. Ouch is her newest and when she says “ch” she says it with a lisp and sticks out her tongue.  She is very interested and seems to really listen when you mouth a word to her.  You can see her thinking and trying to imitate the words with her mouth.  If the word is too tricky she usually will just fake laugh to make you smile.
Chloe is doing well with following oral directions.  We can ask her a question and without modeling and she will typically answer.  Some commands she will listen to are, “Can I have one, please?”, “Wave bye-bye.”, “Give me a kiss.”, “Give me five.”, “Do you want to brush your teeth?”, “Chloe, can you dance?”, “Can you help me clean?”
Chloe loves to sneak in the bathroom and flush the toilet and of course, unravel the toilet paper.  She loves to cover her eyes and play peek-a-boo and play hide-and-seek.  She will sneak up on you or bend down and look underneath the cabinet.  She will get really excited when your eyes meet hers.  She also loves to look at you and blow spit bubbles.  She knows it makes us laugh, so she will do it all the time.  Within the past few days she has also started to put her head on the ground as if she is trying to do a head stand.  Chloe also has started to pay attention and interact when she is watching Sesame Street.  She also loves when we sing the A,B,C's and the Itsy Bitsy Spider with her.  When we finish singing she will put her hands together for more singing.  
Chloe’s attention and focus is started to get better as well.  She is very determined when it comes to her shape sorter or other games but will get frustrated if she can’t do something or get something to work.  C seems to prefer boys and is always trying to get a laugh out of them, strangers or friends.  She is walking all around and can now get up from the ground by herself.  She is holding onto things much less but is still wobbly and will fall on her bottom. 
This month Chloe cut her top tooth and the other should be popping out anytime.  Some new foods she has tried this month and seems to like are asparagus, blueberries, plums and pickles. Her favorite food is still tomatoes.  She will hold a whole one in her hand and eat it like an apple.  She also loves snacks.  We have caught her a time or two grabbing a bag of chips, opening the bag, reaching inside and popping one in her mouth. 
This month we also did swimming lesson for two weeks.  It wasn’t nearly as fun as I had hoped but we made the best of it and she seems to enjoy the water much more than she had before, so I guess that is something. 
Next week Chloe is scheduled to get tubes in her ears in hopes of a fall and winter with much less ear infections!  We are looking forward to our Sikora family vacation and for Chloe to play with all her cousins next month!  Slow down summer, you’re moving way too fast!


  1. 13 months! yay Chloe! see ya later. we all love you!

  2. What a sweetie! She is growing up way to fast!!!!

  3. She is awesome. Love those giant smiles.
