Wednesday, December 21, 2011

eighteen months

We are the proud parents of a one-and-a- half year old!  Sounds so crazy to write.  Chloe Ann is a funny little lady and knows it.  

As you can see, it is becoming harder and harder to get C to stay still long enough to snap a picture.  Below are some of the many out takes.  

 peek-a-boo is much more fun

Here is a list of the fun things C did this month.
-She is sleeping from 7:30-6:30.  We tried moving her to one nap but still wasn’t ready.  She is napping at 9:30 and 2:00.  For 1.5 -2 hours at a time.
-When Mommy lays her in her crib at night she will giggle, look her in the eyes, and then say “night-night.”
-She still sucks her right pointer finger to soothe herself to sleep and will usually cover her eyes with her left arm.
-She only has 8 teeth.
- She loves to eat anything, especially pretzel rods, cheese sticks, asparagus, noodles, beans…
-She found our Christmas candy jar and will try to sneak an M&M any chance she gets.  We caught her one morning with a ring of red and green drool around her mouth…who knows how many she ate.
-New words: Paul, what’s that?, there it is, over there, no mah duba gubadaduba (no more monkeys jumping on the bed), ABBAHH (Abbe from Sesame Street), bless you, Will, Grayson, and nope
-She has just recently learned to climb on the couch by herself, on the ottoman, and on the dining room table.  (I think Isa and Gabi may have taught her this trick last weekend.) She is so proud of herself when she gets to the top of the table.  It is hard to reprimand her because it is so cute.
-Loves to take the junk mail and rip the envelopes into tiny pieces.
-She loves to color, especially with markers! She holds pens and markers like she's really planning on writing something.
-She loves to go into the basement and play on her horse and with Daddy’s guitar.  She thinks it is fun to drop the pick in the inside of the guitar over and over - followed with an "Oh, no!?"  If anything happens serious or not C will say “Oh-NO!!” while making a dramatic frown face.
-She likes kicking her soccer ball around and playing catch.
-Chloe likes to stack her blocks and knock them down.
-She likes to do puzzles.
-She still LOVES books and doesn’t mind if you read the same ones over and over.
-She likes to pick up a phone say “hi...yeah...bye!”
- She loves to do her advent calendar each night before bed.
-She loves to sneak into her bedroom and turn on the space heater.
-She loves to play with her cousins and will get nice and loud.  It is neat to see her playing on her own with them in the basement.
-She hates to ride in a shopping cart and want you to hold her while she pushes the cart around the store.  She’s a rascal.
-She loves purses!!  We definitely have a girly girl on our hands.  She will carry her lunch bag as a purse and does not like any help with it.

Mommy is officially on Winter break!  We are looking forward to spending time with the family and relaxing!  Happy Holidays!

 1st snow of the season.
 Cheese face bright and early in the morning.
 Visiting Mommy at work and helping her grade papers and work on the computer.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

We haven't had any snow YET but we are getting ready for the holidays.  Chloe loves going outside to look at the lights.  She will point and jibber jabber away.

Today, after watching Jenny's wonderful performance Chloe was able to meet up with Santa.  She wasn't too impressed.

Chloe+Malley's=Messy Baby

Last night we took C to get an ice cream sundae.  Our waiter gave her her very own spoon and she just dug in!  We are pretty sure she had more on her than in her mouth.    

 Finger licking good!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Oh, Christmas Tree. Oh, Christmas Tree.

Yesterday, we took a drive to Kriegers, a local grocery store and garden shop in Cuyahoga Falls.  It is just down the road from our old apartment.  We have made it a tradition to get our tree from there for the past three years.
C last year.

This year Chloe was a big help!  She loved running around the tree lot getting wet and muddy.  We picked another cute tree that fits perfect in our cozy living room.  

We set up our tree last night and decorated it today.  Chloe LOVES the round ornaments and literally squealed with excitement when we brought them out last night.  We will definitely be reminding her not to take the "balls" off the tree and throwing them.  

Sunday, November 20, 2011

seventeen months

Chloe is 17 months old today!  She is hilarious and continues to crack us up.  The highlights of this month:
          She loves throwing things in the garbage can in the kitchen.  Yes, still money…
          She loves climbing the stairs and about half-way she will turn and say, “bye-bye”.
          She loves playing hide-and-seek.
          She is definitely a Mommy’s girl this month and will randomly put her hands on my cheeks and give me a kiss.  She follows me all around the house and loves to watch me put my make-up on.
          She started saying her first sentences!  “Mama I want water.” “I go with you.” “I don’t know.” "What is this?"  She also loves to randomly go around saying the same phrase over and over, "Ah-Ba-Daaaaa!" 
          She has a new love, Bubble Guppies.  She calls it “Bubba Guppas” The sitter says she will dance and sing along to the opening song.
          I gave her her second haircut this month.  I may have gotten carried away and cut it much shorter than I had intended but it still looks adorable.
          She loves to take her socks off when she is in her crib for nap time.
          She loves our phones and has learned to unlock them.  When she does something to change the screen she will say “uh-oh” and bring us the phone.
          She loves drawing and coloring.  She was caught doodling on Bapa’s office walls.
          She loves to rock in rocking chairs.  She will rock back and forth while saying, “rocka-rocka”.
          She loves our ruffled pillows and will put them on the ground, lay her head down and say “night night”
          If you are “sleeping” she will come up and give you a kiss to wake you up.
          If you ask her a question she gives you a “yeth” or a “noooo”. 
          She will leave the living room and stand by the fridge or cupboard and say “nack” (snack) over and over until we come out. 
          She will find the remote wherever it’s laying and put it in our lap and say either “theth’y” (Sesame Street) or “Bubbagubbah” (Bubble Guppies). 
 That's her new cheese face.


 Showing off her new haircut while she puts daddy's change in her piggy bank.

 Night-night.  Loves for mommy to tuck her in and play her music.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Our Little Helper

Chloe loves to do anything we do and will try to "help" us all the time.  We caught her taking some measurements for drapes and putting together some bunk beds.  

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween from the Vincents

    Here is our little bumblebee.
C from last year. :)

Woody and Jessie.  Handmade costumes thanks to Veronika's craftiness.